Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Remember this picture back when Kari turned 9 months old? I had written that she had some mild eczema. Well, hydrocortisone and creams were not working and she had the rash all over her body (except for where her diaper covered). I realized that it all started back when she started eating solids (baby foods and finger foods). So, I took her in to an allergist and she was tested for various food allergies. It came back that she is allergic to milk, eggs, soy and corn. Yup, corn. Very strange, but it made sense b/c this little girl LOVED her Kix cereal (all corn) and Gerber Veggie Crunchies (also corn based).
The doctor assured me that most kids outgrow these allergies, but in the meantime, I'd need to monitor her diet very closely (bring on the label reading!). Since she's still nursing (and she did not have any reaction to my breastmilk), the milk/soy issue isn't huge...yet. Same with the egg thing. However, it is becomming difficult when she wants to eat what we're all eating at dinnertime and what has been prepared has either dairy or eggs in it. So, I'll be heading into Hy-Vee this weekend to have their dietician walk me through the store and show me what I can use as substitutions for these foods. I know there are substitutes for milk/soy and eggs. The tricky one will be corn. EVERYTHING has corn in it (it's subsidized by the government and so manufacturers put it into everything--even wheat and rice-based foods that otherwise she could have.) So, we'll have to test the waters a bit and see what's out there.
The good news is that ever since I substituted Cheerios for Kix and Rice Chex for Corn Chex, Kari's skin has dramatically improved. (Although she doesn't like Cheerios nearly as much as she liked Kix!) She's much less itchy too so, naturally, she's happier! This is just a new area for me since NO ONE in my family has food allergies (especially a weird one like corn!). Where did all of these allergies in kids come from? Growing up, I vaguely remember one friend having a peanut allergy. But that was it! Is there something in the water? Our diets? It's just strange. Hopefully, she'll grow out of them in a few years!


Stephanie said...

How frustrating! That seems like probably the worst foods to be allergic to since they are in everything. I hope you have some luck finding substitutions. She is such a darling baby!

Cara said...

Bummer! We had friends that had a child with a corn allergy as well. It *is* in everything! Sounds like you have a great attitude though! Good luck!

Lacey said...

I'm sorry. Hopefully she will grow out of it sooner rather than later.

whitney allison said...

That SUCKS!!! I'm so sorry. What an adjustment.

Maylene said...

I'm so sorry. I'm sure it must be frustrating to have to do all the extra cooking and special preparation work for her. You are such a great mom :) I watched Food Inc. a few months ago and was pretty suprised by how much stuff corn is used in or for. Crazy huh. My sister-in-law's daughter has something similar and it is really tough sometimes, especially at family gatherings and going out to dinner. But when she is able to stick to the nutrition guidelines for her daughter, her skin is so much better...so hopefully it will work for your little girl too.

Heather said...

I'm glad you were able to get some answers; I'm sorry that the answers were difficult though. My family is to the point where we eat very little processed food (at least at home). It is a slow path, but it is worth it. Hopefully with the internet you will be able to find some good support and recipe ideas from others with similar allergies. Good luck with this new challenge--you can do it!

Rebecca said...

If the rash isn't where her diaper covers, it may be your laundry detergent or laundry softener that is causing the rash. Check that out, too.