Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sick Day Fun?

I was coming down with a cold Tuesday and Wednesday. And as you all know, the first two days of a cold are the worst. Thus, we had "fun" getting into everything! (B/c Mommy didn't feel well enough to stop it!)
Christian also used his fort constructing skills to build one on his own while Mommy tried to rest on the couch. The picture of Christian and Kari together made me think of a time just a few years back when Emily was the big-kid of the fort and Christian was the baby! Kari also had "fun" playing with the holes in my slippers. (This is the second pair of slippers that I've ended up with holes in the toes!) Kari thinks they're great and they kept her busy so I'm all for them too!Our final bit of fun came when Kari realized that she could clap! I showed her a picture of a baby clapping and then asked, "Kari clap?" Well, she did it! She was so proud of her new trick that she'd clap on command and would even do it while nursing. SO CUTE! It did make me feel a bit better :-).

Perhaps it was all of these little "fun" things, or maybe it was due to my great brother taking Emily and Christian to the library in the afternoon, or maybe it was thanks to prenatal vitamins, EmergenC, Zicam and, a good night's sleep (after a couple of weeks of NO good night's sleep), I feel much better today! I think I've just succeeded in curing the common cold--call CNN!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Mommies being sick shouldn't be allowed. You never get the time off! Glad you are feeling better.