Monday, August 1, 2011

Getting So Big

It is amazing at what a big girl Kari is becoming! (And not just because she gained 2 lbs in one month!--Yeah, she's feeling better!) Kari is learning to put on her own shoes! And, like so many little ones, they seem to go on wrong-footed--why is that?? It's okay though, we're proud of her anyway! (And she's pretty proud of herself!)

Here are also a few sweet pictures of her all dressed up before church. Doesn't she look like such a big girl?? My mom made this little dress for her from some vintage material she'd found and it is just soooo sweet on her!

Kari will be 19 months old this month! Crazy how time flies. As petite as she is, she has a HUGE personality and major opinions on everything! Getting her dressed each morning is always a battle (unless, of course, she decides she wants to get dressed...which, is usually in her swimsuit!) She gives such sweet kisses and hugs. She loves chicken nuggets, apple juice, waffles, pretzels and animal crackers. She is extremely girlie and loves to be "a pretty girl," particularily with her shoes! She loves baby dolls, her bunny, blankie and, yes, her binkie!

We are so lucky to have such a sweet, active and fun-loving girl in our family.

We love you, Kari-belle!


Lori said...

So sweet. She is such a pretty little thing!!

Camie said...

she IS darling, and I can't believe how old she is....crazy! Maybe ready for number 4?