Sunday, August 7, 2011

Grand Camp 2011

This past week Christian and Grandma Karen got to go to Fontenelle Forest's Grand Camp! The weather was pretty decent--humid, but not as steamy like the previous weeks. So, it made "camp" a bit more comfortable.

Christian and Grandma learned about trees--both about what makes up a tree and also what types of animals live in and around trees. They took nature walks and looked at all of the trees in the forest.They did tree crafts, had visitors who live in trees, and even looked at what animals use trees to make their homes. Christian made some new friends and they all enjoyed playing naturalist and learning more about their environment.

On the last day they got to release butterflies (a very cool experience for Christian!)
Grandma tried to get some pictures of Christian with the butterflies, but the camera kept fogging up! (It was humid!)

Christian was so thrilled that he got to go on this little adventure with Grandma and get some good one-on-one time with her. Thank you so much, Grandma Karen, for the fun days!

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