Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kari's First Friend

This is Kari and her first little friend, Campbell. It's so cute to watch them interact and play together. Campbell is one of our wonderful neighbors and this month I've been watching the girls a couple of times a week. It's been great and really given Kari and Campbell a chance to get to know one another and explore the wonders of learning to share! And when I say that these girls keep me busy, let me reassure you that I'm not exagerating! They sure love getting into things and toddling around after the big kids. It's all been worth it though because I love watching both of their little faces light up when they see one another--even at so young an age, they are fully aware that they are waving at a friend! Love it!

1 comment:

whitney allison said...

It's so fun when they really start to interact with other kids.