Friday, December 9, 2011

ABCs and 123s

It's been a big week for us, especially Christian! First off, last Sunday, he was making a picture for his teacher (a watch) and I'd helped him write his teacher's name and then his name. I went to go change Kari's diaper and when I came back, he'd written his own name, all by himself, for the first time! Now, I know all children grow and develop at different times, but for Christian, this was a major milestone! I am almost sure that his speech delays are linked to his writing abilities. Now that his speech is coming along so well, his writing is too! It has been so exciting because I know how hard he works at it. With this new found skill, comes more confidence and he's been wanting to write everyone's names and even some phrases. It makes a mother's heart so happy! The next part of Christian's big week was his Christmas concert. The kids had been practicing for weeks and to get infront of a packed house (and it was PACKED), takes a lot of guts for these little preschoolers! It was very cute.

And here are a couple of his "fans" that came out for the show! (Emily had been sick that day so Auntie Erin came over and kept her company.) It was also Harvey's birthday that day and he was kind enough to share the spotlight with this crazy kiddo!Here is my handsome boy and me!

Finally, Christian felt another surge of pride as he built his own fort, complete with "radar detector" to keep any intruders out. (See the little black speck on the cushion in the front--yup, that's it!) Christian was the one who told me, "Take out the camera, Mommy!"It's been so exciting to watch Christian achieve so many milestones this past year. I'm so proud of him and all of his hard work! Love you, buddy!


Rebecca said...

You go, Christian!

Lori said...

WTG!! Christian, you rock!!!