Emily tries her best to do what is right. She is a kind friend and an excellent big sister. She is always aware of others' feelings around her and includes everyone in her play. And, despite her not ever being the biggest "cuddlebug," she is very sensitive and sweet. Her little sister, Kari, thinks the sun rises and sets around Emily's arrival home from school. Below is a picture of Em and Kari during Thanksgiving Break. Emily helped Kari get all dressed up in dancing stuff and they had so.much.fun just dancing around like little princesses! Kari loved being included in the big-girl fun.
Emily is incredibly smart. I'm convinced that's why we had such a difficult time with her as a baby--she was a big girl stuck in a baby's body and was smart enough to realize that she did NOT like not being able to move around! We're now so grateful for how bright she is and we're even beginning to take for granted how easily her studies come to her as her eye-rolling seven-yr-old attitude kicks in when we ask her how her spelling test went. "Easy, Mommy, duh!"
I sure love having such a wonderful big girl around our home---I realized how big she's actually gotten when Cubby asked her to help cut up some grape tomatoes the other night for dinner. Pearing knife and all, she cut them in half, no problem! (Being ready to wield sharp objects is definitely an eye-opener on my end at how grown up she's really becomming!)
Emily is such an obedient and sweet young lady. Happy Birthday, Emily! We love you!
Happy Birthday to your sweet Emily!!
She looks so big!
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