Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bend it like Christian

Christian's first soccer game was last weekend.  It was a beautiful morning and he was VERY excited.  Originally, he was going to be on the same team as his best bud, Henry.  But, another team needed a coach and they asked Henry's dad to be said coach.  So, the boys ended up on different teams...playing one another in their first game.  Did this cause a problem?  No way!  Christian and Henry were both thrilled to be playing against each other!
 Through both the warm ups and the game itself, Christian ran full-out, with a HUGE smile on his face.  The.whole.time.  It was so cute.  He was just having so much fun!

Here is he his, getting ready for a "corner" kick
 The first half of the game he played forward...with the rest of the team.  (They're learning about different positions, but they're 5 yr olds and still play "bunch ball.")  However, the second half of the game, when he saw the other team scoring too, he decided he wanted to play defender and had a couple of really great saves!  Again, smiling the whole time!

They don't keep score, so honestly, I'm not sure who won.  And, by the look on Christian and Henry's faces, I don't think they know either!  Go team(s)!

1 comment:

Lori said...

He looks like he is having the time of his life!! I love the smile!!