Friday, September 28, 2012

Rice Cereal 101

Last week I gave Juliana her first taste of rice cereal!  True, it was more breastmilk than rice, and it was more of an intro to the spoon than the food on the spoon, but hey, we've got to start somewhere!

The verdict:  she didn't NOT like it!  She was extremely interested in the spoon, the basket of napkins on the table, and, really, the table itself.  Cubby is going to get the high chair out of storage tomorrow so we can try again, hopefully with more interest in the cereal itself :-).

Of the other three children, Christian was the only one who liked the cereal somewhat.  I have high hopes for Miss J though!  It's hard to believe that she's already big enough (5 months this Monday!) to be moving toward solid foods--oh boy!

1 comment:

Lori said...

That went fast!! My kids hated the rice cereal!!