Sunday, February 3, 2013

Birthday Girl

We held Kari's bday party on the Saturday before her birthday.  Now, to her, she was convinced that it had already been her birthday.  So much so, that the night before her actual birthday, she wouldn't go to bed even when we told her that we needed to decorate and wrap her gifts.  Kari just told us, "I already had my birthday!  We went skating!"  Thankfully, we finally got her to bed.  And, the next morning, I think Kari was happy that it really was her birthday!
 She patiently waited aaaalllllll day until Daddy came home from work and we had dinner before opening her gifts.  (Honestly, I think it was tougher for her siblings to wait; Kari was still happy to play with all of her gifts from her party!)
 She enjoyed getting some Bitty Baby doll clothes...
 Some more Princess Lego Duplos...
 A new robe that Grandma Karen made...
 And even a ballerina Barbie.
 Her favorite gift was a new scooter!  (And a pink princess scooter at that!)
 Just the right size for our Kari-belle.  Get this, it even has a place to put your bracelets, hair clips, and rings.  Just in case you may need them while out riding.
Since we'd had cake on Saturday, Kari requested "Birthday Brownies."  The girl LOVES her brownies.
We're so happy that Kari had such a nice time celebrating turning THREE!


Lori said...

I love how girly your little Kari is!! A girl after my own heart :)

Lacey said...

She is so cute and getting so big. Miss you guys!

The Brough Family said...

She's so cute!! It makes me sad to think I've never actually met her. Time goes by so fast. Happy Birthday Kari!!