Tuesday, February 12, 2013

She Crawls!

Juliana is officially mobile!  Hurray!  She finally put all of the pieces together and figured out how to crawl.  We are so excited that she's into this next stage in her life!

 Juliana was so very proud that she gave herself a round of applause.  Yay!!!

(Kari also shared in her excitement.)

Juliana is also very close to walking.  Yup, my kiddos never crawl for long.  She's actually been cruising around the coffee table and other furniture for a couple of weeks.  She's even been able to take a step or two on her own.  However, crawling is still a big milestone because even if it's only for a short amount of time, I still think it's important developmentally.

Anyhow, congratulations, Juliana!

1 comment:

Lori said...

She's not old enough....NO!! hahaha OK..maybe she is. Seems like just last week she was born. What a doll!!