Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Memorial Day

Most years, we haven't done too much for Memorial Day.  We normally just enjoy having a day off with Cubby and maybe BBQ with my mom and Harvey.  This year though, some friends from church decided to have a couple of families over and thankfully, the weather turned out to be beautiful and it was a great night!

Kids (and Cubby) enjoyed playing, jumping, and running around.

I got motivated and decided to bring a festive dessert.
 It was delicious!

Juliana was my little buddy for the evening and so we had a little photo shoot.  She cracks me up with her funny faces and personality!

 BTW:  Juliana also decided that weekend that she was ready to potty train...herself.  Yup, she potty trained herself!  Not only have I never had a child potty train this early (I've always had a time when we've had two in diapers for a bit), but I've also never had one potty train themselves.  And, it's every bit as awesome as you can imagine.  Sooooo proud of my big girl!!!

Happy Memorial Day!

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