Sunday, January 25, 2009

Choices and a "New" Car

Tonight, Emily and Cubby had the following conversation while we were trying to persuade Emily to go and clean up her room:

Daddy: Emily, please go clean up your room--remember, Choose the Right!

Emily: Daddy, I'm going to choose....something different. I'm going to choose the LEFT!

Can you argue with that while keeping a straight face?

Also, yesterday we went over to my mom's house for dinner. As we were coming into the house, the following conversation transpired:

Mom: Who's white van is that?

Me (looking across the street for a white van and not seeing one): White van?

Mom: Yes, the one you pulled up in!

Me: Mom, that's our silver van; you just don't recognize it because it's clean!

Hmmmm....maybe I should get the car washed more often!


Cara said...

Cute stories. We washed our cars last week and it does feel like a totally different van to me! It's amazing what winter does to it! :)

Tonia said...

what a doll! I will have to remember the left thing when I decide to make a choice!

Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

That is too funny about Emily, Will had a great conversation with Kirk yesterday about changing his underpants. Oh the things kids say, if only we could record them all

Camie said...

I love that she chose the 'left'! Kids are way to smart for their own good sometimes.

Rebecca said...'s a good thing!

Walker said...

Funny Emily! It would be nice to have a nice clean car right now, ours is pretty disgusting.

whitney allison said...

I just hope she doesn't mean politically because she'd break her Grandpa's heart.

Cammy Aller said...

That is Awesome!! Love Choose the Left! I might have to use that one!!