Friday, January 9, 2009

Turning A Page...

Today and, well, most of this week, has been one of our "slower" weeks. We're starting to return to our routine and I've been realizing that taking things "slow" is not necessarily a bad thing. Like other mothers I know (and blog with--you know who you are!) we sometimes have trouble with being "stay-at-home" moms. We're more of the "on-the-go" moms. I just enjoy being busy and having things to do--and, in my defense, the kids like the "change in scenery" from the house too. They enjoy playdates and going places and the like. (It's not like I drag them around to department stores or anything!)

However, I think I've turned a corner (at least for this week!). Today we spent all day at home, just playing. Well, I did have some laundry and vaccuuming to do, but aside from that, we just played. It's been really fun! And, it's been like that most of the week. I get cabin-fever pretty easily, but I decided to just relax and enjoy the time we have together, even though we couldn't be with friends, or go to a park, or the zoo, or well, anywhere really.

Emily and Christian are at the age now where they can play together and it's a lot of fun to play with them. Granted, by the time dinner is over, I do need to get out for 45 min and go and run, BUT, then Cubby gets some quality playtime too!

Anyhow, I just felt the need to record this as I've been learning the importance of unstructured playtime and that having a few "slow" days is not all that bad!


Rebecca said...

Cabin Fever? Read The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder. You will feel better really fast! That was a Hard Life.

Camie said...

It is nice to be able to come to a place a realize you can actually enjoy the down time of life.

Amber M. said...

It helps so much that your kids can play together makes it so much easier to get a chore in while they are distracting each other.

I need to follow your example more...and learn to be content to be at home.