Monday, February 9, 2009

They call 'em Rainy Mondays...

The kids had some fun putting on their rainboots and jackets today (well, putting on Emily's boots and jacket). Nebraska sure is funny about its weather...maybe this truly is an early spring! (However, I know from growing up here to watch out for the late-March, mid-April snowstorms!)

Also, here are some funny little pictures of Christian eating. I'm not sure what exactly he was trying to do w/his Cheerios (maybe blow them across the table?). However, he did enjoy wearing his yogurt. Such a silly little guy!


Lacey said...

Yesterday was crazy weather. I cannot wait for those warm summer days.

Maylene said...

I love Emily's raincoat and boots! Sydney always wants me to buy some (but I never do, because I have no idea when she would ever wear them).

Ladybug143 said...

How fun! The wind was blowing so bad we didn't go outside. I am glad you were able to! I heard from someone that you might be pregnant. Just wondering...?

Cammy Aller said...

Wow Im so glad NE is giving you a break from winter! Man I wish I could win a Old Navy gift card, I too need to get my kiddos some cloths, due to out growing them.:0

Walker said...

Congrats on the race! That is so great, one of these day I will be modivated to do one. Also, cute pictures of the rain, too bad it will all end tomorrow;(