Example #1: First thing in the morning, we hear him yelling out "Da-Da!" and "Bee-Bee!" (Baby) at the top of his lungs. When we go in there, he's got his Fred and Ted book (by PD Eastman) and is pointing at Fred, who is big. Fred, apparently, is Da-Da. Then, Ted, who is little, is the Bee-Bee. So funny.
Example #3: Zurg! Christian has two action figures of Zurg (from Toy Story). One is big, hence, the Mommy Zurg. The other, (have you figured it out yet?) is little and is the Baby Zurg.
I just love how he, naturally, will associate anything and everything to his family. It's all he knows and it is just so cute! Period.
Love it! That's just so cute! I also love the picture of Emily on the side there. That's funny! :)
So cute!! I love hearing stories like this. How cute he has you draw pics! That is smart!
That's so cute! I love how excited little toddlers are about the most random things and cute names that are so important to them.
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