Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sweet Sister Emily

This post is dedicated to my sweet little girl, Emily. She has been such a big helper these past few months. She helps me around the house (usually without too many reminders!) and, biggest of all, she plays with her brother. I have decided that the most lovely words that I've heard lately are, "Christian, let's go play downstairs together!" Seriously, it's like the heaven's part and the angels decend down upon us.

Emily also now plays very sweetly by herself, we've snuck up on her giving her favorite "blue lovies" a tea party (although she told us that she was serving hot chocolate and lemonade, not tea :-).)
Emily has also become a snuggler too! (Granted, she has to be pretty tired, but hey, I'll take it when I can get it!--Grandma helps too!)
I'm just so thankful for her and am so grateful that she is a part of our family. I love you, Emily!


Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

She is a good big sister and I bet she will be great with the next baby too!!

Rebecca said...

Emily is great! We love her, too.

Maren said...

What a sweetie! I bet she and Gwen would get along beautifully, they are a lot alike. It makes perfect sense that Emily takes after you, but how does it work that Gwen takes after you too? (She doesn't get it from me, I was a big time stinker)

denos5 said...

She is a sweet girl and it is always nice when they can entertain themselves without causing too much havoc.