Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Wonder of Weeds

So, this past week (and the week before) have been extremely hot and humid. It's been like a sauna out there. For example, I took the kids to the zoo on Thursday morning and as we entered the Lied Jungle (rain forest) it was actually LESS humid in there than it was outside. And Thursday wasn't the worse day, by far!! Well, as you can imagine, our backyard and gardens decided to invite every weed in town over to our house for a growing party. OOOOHHHH, it was bad.

THANKFULLY, (I'm really into capital letters today, huh?) the heat and humidity magically lifted today. On a Saturday, no less! It was wonderful. I forced myself to take full advantage of it and rid our gardens (vegetable and "flower"--well, one day flowers will grow and not just get overrun and die back there) of the weeds. Talk about work! Whew!

I must say, however, that there is something just sooooo fulfilling about hard maual labor in the garden. It all looks so nice back there now, with my few little veggies growing (this is my first attempt at gardening and let's just say I'm learning as we go!) and even my sad little Hasta, Mums, and Columbine are looking better. Well, they're looking more than better b/c Cubby went out and bought some mulch and that just makes everything look pretty.

I wonder if people everywhere would be happier and feel more satisfied with life in general if they all found some sort of physical work, like gardening or farming, to make them get out there and really work. I wonder if that is part of the pull for farmers out there even now-a-days. Working, growing and creating is so fulfilling. I'm grateful that I had the opportunity today to get out there and sweat (even if I didn't really like it while I was doing it!). It made the day very satisfying!

1 comment:

whitney allison said...

I do enjoy a good day gardening myself. It is very fulfilling.