Saturday, October 10, 2009

Emily's Wish....Granted!

Emily has been working all month on going to bed "like a big girl" (no whining, no coming out after going to bed). Today, she got to celebrate her achievement! We let her eat breakfast AND lunch while she watched cartoons, they went and ran around the gym at the Y, my mom and I took her shopping during naptime, and she got to pick out something from the dollar spot at Target. But, those things weren't even the "big" reward....

Earlier in the week she asked Cubby, "Daddy, can we look out the window and see the snow?" Cubby told her that it was still fall and that we'd see the snow when it was wintertime. Well, she must've known something that we didn't because when we woke up this morning, it was a winter wonderland! The kids were sooooo excited and could hardly wait until they got their snowsuits on and could get outside. They had a blast running around and even jumping on the trampoline! Thankfully, this is Nebraska and so the weather changes frequently and the snow is almost gone. I'm sure it'll be 75 degrees by next weekend. In any case, Emily told us that she was sure God sent the snow just for her...and the other kids to play in too :-).


Rebecca said...

That's great! Congratulations to Emily for working so hard. Love to you all.

Ware Family said...

I already can't wait to take the girls out to play in the snow for the first time.