Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

As I've said previously, it's been a busy week! I know "the holidays" are a crazy time, but I didn't think that Halloween was a part of those "holidays"! Crazy.

Here are some of the pre-Halloween festivities that the kiddos participated in at the YMCA. Christian and I have been in a mommy and me class and this week they wore their costumes while they played around. Very cute!

I also coordinated Emily's preschool's party. It was my first time putting one of these little shin-digs together, so I tried to keep things simple--easy games (pin-the-nose-on-the-pumpkin was one), easy, non-messy crafts that the kiddos could do independently, snacks, a book and a song. It was great! Emily really enjoyed having me there too. Although, I must say, my hat goes off to her teacher, Ms. Karin. She can restore order to a dozen 4 and 5 yr olds in less than 10 seconds. Amazing. Preschool is not for the faint-hearted!

Friday night brought on our pumpkin carving. Here's Cubby giving one of the pumpkins its lobotomy. (He dressed up like a surgeon for work, hence, the scrubs.)

Here are the finished products! (The one on the right is the Pringles guy--Emily and her "old chips"...)

Finally, Halloween arrived! And the day actually brought some beautiful weather!!! After a week of rain, I was soooo excited to see the sun this morning!! The kids had a fantastic time raking up and then jumping in the leaves. What better thing can you do in the fall??!

This afternoon, we attended a birthday party and then set out for some trick-or-treating! Emily decided to go as Minnie-Mouse and Christian doned his dinosaur costume. They both enjoyed ringing the doorbells and getting treats, but really, they just wanted to go play at Grandma's house so we weren't out too long. Just a couple of blocks! Both kids were old enough to really "get" Halloween this year (and no one was sick--Emily was last year) so overall, I'd say we had a great day!

Happy Halloween!


Rebecca said...

Looks like you had fun with the whole holiday. Kids love Halloween, don't they?

Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

those kids are so cute, I'm glad you all had fun and that no one was sick, its just so much easier when they are healthy and happy :O)

Jenn said...

Sounds like a great Halloween for your family. Your kids looked great!

Walker said...

What a busy week and then also helping out with the school party - you are a brave woman! The kiddos looks so cute in their costumes

Maren said...

I'm glad you guys enjoyed Halloween! I loooove Halloween. I dragged the kids all over the neighborhood Trick-or-Treating. Gwen started to get tired and had to use the potty, I actually caught myself SAYING not THINKING, but SAYING "C'mon Gwen, just a few more houses, just think, the more houses you go to the more candy you get!" I'm obsessed.