Sunday, October 18, 2009

Week In Review

This past week really seemed to fly by! Here are some of the highlights!

Last Sunday, we celebrated Uncle Peter's birthday (which was Monday, but he had class that night so he came over on Sunday). The kids enjoyed playing and "helping" him open his present :-).

On Wednesday, Cubby was able to accompany Emily on her class's field trip to Vala's Pumpkin Patch. It was freezing cold and muddy, but, they dressed warmly and had a great time! Unfortunately, Cubby didn't get any pictures of he and Emily together...he's still learning. They got to ride a train and go for a hayrack ride out to the patch. Emily picked out a very cute pumpkin w/a great stem.

This week we've also been working with Christian on doing his number 2's on the potty. (With him, it's seemed easier to tackle this first and since he's enjoying it, we're counting our blessings along with less poopy diapers to change!) He even likes to tell me to "go out, Mommy!" and, as you can see, he likes to take his time and catch up on the latest toy magazines while he does his business.

I did learn my lesson though as on Friday, after he'd banished me, he came running out with a smile on his face and poo on his leg...and, as I discovered, on the potty, his clothes, and step stool as well. YUCK. Thankfully, it didn't get on the carpet or rug and he had a great time playing in the shower as I cleaned everything up. So, we're learning lots' these days! (Staying in or very close to the bathroom is a good idea!)

In any case, this week we're looking forward to better weather (hello zoo on Monday!) and to a visit from Cubby's parents this weekend! Have a great week, everyone!


mizkylie said...

My niece's name is VALA!! I have never heard the name before (and I HATE the name) but it is so weird to see it somewhere else! Looks like you had a blast !

Rebecca said...

what a big boy! and pumpkin patch trips always seem to be muddy. we are really excited to be able to visit with you. see you soon...