Thursday, April 29, 2010

Kids'll Say the Darndest Things...

Emily and Christian each cracked me up today. Here goes:

Emily was doing a "newscast" with a play microphone and was doing a report on how a bank got robbed. I asked her, "So, Emily, what got taken?"
Emily: Oh, money. AND they took all of the suckers and the stickers too.

Then, Cubby and I asked Christian who he wanted to invite to his birthday party.
Christian: Lots' of friends. All of them.
Cubby: Like who?
Christian: Julia. And Maren. And Maddie.
Cubby: Any boys?
Christian: One boy. Christian. Girls love me.



Rebecca said...

Well, Christian, even old ladies love you! And Emily, I'll be watching for you reporting the news on Fox and Friends! They are so cute, I can't deny it.

whitney allison said...

Very good stuff. Shawn and I just had a chuckle. What funny kids.

Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

That is pretty funny

Heather said...

Hilarious! Look out world!