Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Break, The Zoo and A Mommy Moment

So, it all started about 3-4 weeks ago when I decided that since Kari was sleeping well, I had enough energy to start trying to take off the rest of my "baby weight." I began exercising more regularly, watching what I was eating (bascially cutting down on the cookies!), and even starting to train for a upcoming 5k.
It was a Tuesday evening and I'd just gotten home from running, when Kari decides to begin a growth spurt. My milk supply was almost gone and she would not take a bottle! So began a cycle of nursing every 2-3 hrs around the clock for a week. NOT a very fun schedule to return to! My milk supply finally catches up in time for Spring Break...but I'm so worn down from the week before that I ended up coming down with strep throat! It hit me pretty hard and I was out of it from Sunday-Wednesday. Thankfully, my mom was also on spring break and was able to come over and take care of everyone. Cubby even had to stay home one day so that my mom could take care of Kari and me and he could take care of Christian and Emily. NOT the way I'd intended on spending the week, but I guess if I had to get sick, that was the time to do it. In anycase, my mom was able to have some fun with the kiddos while she was here (she's making green pancakes with Christian in the picture above). She also got to spend a lot of time with Kari and see her happy, giggly and cooing (rather than grumpy and tired in the evening!).
I finally did make a full recovery (thank goodness for anti-biotics!) and we were able to make it to the zoo this past Monday (the last day of break). It was Kari's first time at the zoo--she was just thrilled, as you can see below. Emily and Christian had a fun time though and Christian even got to touch a snake! He was sooo excited! (He loves snakes and turtles :-) .) So, even though the break started out tough, it ended on a good note!

Finally, I had to record a "Mommy Moment" from today. Kari hates her carseat--and I mean HATES IT. But, we have to go out sometime and so we went out to a local crafts store that I've needed to get some things at for quite a while now. I brought our double stroller in (b/c the carts they have are terrible) and make sure Kari was fed, changed, burped, and generally happy before making the trip. Well, it didn't last long. She started screaming when I put her sweater on and continued to do so while we were shopping. I finally took her out b/c I know the other shoppers are thinking "why won't she comfort her baby??!" That pacified her, but only momentarily as she then proceeded to mess herself b/c she was so upset. In the meantime, I'm trying to find what we needed, and I start to smell something else...or should I say, someone else. Christian had also made a mess in his diaper. (And just after he'd gone on the potty earlier!) So, I've got a crying baby and two poopy diapers in the middle of the craft store, where the bathrooms are far away and NOT ones that I'd be comfortable changing a diaper in (I don't even think they have a changing table!) Ugh. But, instead of crying out "Why hast Thou forsaken me?!" I start to laugh and just make my way out as quickly as possible and make an extra stop at home for changes before having to go pick up Emily from preschool. Kari still continued to sob until we got Emily and then she was so exhausted, she fell asleep and has been sleeping ever since. Ah, motherhood!


Rebecca said...

Such is life! What would you do without a Mom? I remember that my Dad used to make us yummy green pancakes, too! Glad you are feeling better now.

Matt and Stacy Compton said...

wow, so looking forward to that. I would have been crying, not laughing. You're awesome! sorry about the strep, Matt got over that a few weeks ago and it was not fun. You are so lucky to have your mom close by!

Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

Wow, I think we have all had those moments glad you were able to laugh in the moment, gotta love being a mommy

whitney allison said...

Sounds like fun! 2 poopy diapers at a time, yowza. Way to have a sense of humor about it, for me I think it would depend on the day as to whether I'd laugh or cry! haha.