Sunday, April 25, 2010

We Love Our "Old Man"!

Yesterday was Cubby's 31st birthday! The kids and I had a lot of fun preparing for his big day. The kids each picked out a shirt for him (Christian picked out a green shirt; Emily, a blue one). Christian and I made his favorite cookies (snickerdoodles) and Christian discovered the light in the oven. He loved watching the cookies bake! We also decorated our own wrapping paper for one of his gifts.

For breakfast, I made his favorite, french toast. Then, we had a nice time opening gifts. Cubby's family all called throughout the day so he got to catch up with them as well. After dinner, (hot dogs and hamburgers) my mom, Harvey, and my brother and sister came over and we had cake and ice cream and opened more gifts. Good stuff.

I'm so grateful for Cubby and for all that he does as both a husband and father. He always is so involved in all that comes along with the role of a parent and I couldn't have asked for a sweeter friend as well. Happy Birthday, honey! We sure love you!


Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

Happy Birthday Cubby!!!

Candis said...

holy cow! your kids are getting so dang big!

Rebecca said...

Love the "waiting for cookies" photo. I tried to comment earlier, but I couldn't get in the page for some reason.