Christian has been doing many note-worthy things as of late. The biggest, of course, is that he is POTTY-TRAINED!!!! Yes, it finally "clicked" and most days, we're accident-free. He's even gone so far as to tell me during swimming lessons that he has to go to the bathroom--(Pool Rule #1: No peeing in the pool!). He's so excited because now he not only gets to go to preschool this fall, but once his hair grows out a bit more, he'll get his mohawk! "So proud of me, Mommy?" Yes, Christian, we are sooooo proud of you!!!
Secondly, Christian has just been plain funny these days. As you can see from the picture, he's anti-shirt. As soon as we get home, the shirt comes off. Not sure where he came up with that--Cubby and I both keep our shirts on.
His other quirk is being held in his hand--yup, a tied-up Barbie doll. Apparently, she's "trapped" and he saves her... She also is his latest lovie and goes to bed and everything. Again, he's a funny little guy.
Finally, Christian has one volume: LOUD. I'm constantly asking him not to shout out every little thing he wants to say. Maybe he just wants to be heard above a certain talkative older sister...
I'll depart from my post for a minute: Somedays, okay, most days, I feel like I'm raising two first-born children. Emily, a total type-A who commands attention and is used to people seeing things her "way" and Christian, my boy, who is so stubborn and opinionated, also insisting upon doing things his "way". It'll totally come in handy later in life--their strong wills and all. But, for now, I'm doing my best to keep a soft voice when really, inside, I'm screaming for them to listen, obey, and just. get. along! Yeah, can you tell what we're working on at our home???
Back to Christian though. I really love my little guy. He seems to have grown so much over the summer--from a toddler to a little boy. He is always up for a hug, although if you're Emily or Daddy, chances are he'd rather wrestle you down. I am excited for this up and coming year and all it has to offer him.
Yeah, Christian! We love you!
Yippee for potty training!
Way to go, Christian!! Josh is almost there...AND he finally threw his night-time binky (away all on his own) and all in a week! Do we have twinners or what!?l
Christian is awesome. I wand Dallin to hang around him a little so he can like more "man" "saving" Barbie dolls.
Hooray Christian!
Yeah! Congrats on the potty training thing! That is always a huge milestone to be celebrated. That is so funny about the Barbie. Kids :)
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