Sunday, July 11, 2010

Last Day of Swimming

I'm finally able to start catching up on the past few weeks of events for the blog!

First up, the last day of swim lessons, or "fun day." The kids got to swim all over the pool and go down the water slides. It was so fun to watch them--Emily got to go down by herself and Christian's instructors took him down. Both kids passed their levels too! Emily will be able to move on to Level 3 and Christian can go up to "Guppy" next summer.

Here are a couple of shots of them on their last day of swim lessons (they were so sad to have them end! Next summer, I'll definitely be signing them up for more than one sesson!)
Emily and her favorite instructor, "Teacher Amanda" (Emily was quite popular with the instructors and they all still say "Hello, Student Emily!" when they see her at the pool.)Christian, going down the water slides!

Christian, and his favorite teacher, Caitlyn. She was also his instructor last summer when we did our "Mommy and me" class...and she remembered him! We really love Miss Caitlyn.

Emily, going down the slides, solo!

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