Thursday, July 15, 2010

Has It Already Been Six Months?

Today, my sweet little Kari is six months old! She is just a joy to have in our family and we all just love her so much. I just love watching her face light up whenever one of us talks or sings to her. Or, even when Cubby or I come home. She just gets all giddy--she knows and loves her family!

Kari is also THIS close to sitting up without any "back up" behind her. She's started to learn to eat some rice cereal as well and we've also tried pears, sweet potatoes, and some watermelon. She liked the watermelon best--baby food is still a weird sensation for her. Kari loves her exersaucer and playing on the floor with Emily and Christian. She has found her toes this past month and is an accomplished "roller-overer". She had her first bad cold this last month and also her first major teething episode. (Thank goodness she's reached the 6 month mark and we can give her Ibprofen!!) Recently, her sleeping habbits have improved...although I know better by now than to get too comfortable with it b/c it's probably just a phase :-).

Her "stats" are as follows:

Weight: 16 lbs 12 oz (70%)
Height: 26 1/4 inches (60%)
Head: 44 1/2 cm (90%)--keeping up w/the Lindseth tradition of big heads!

Happy 6 mos, Kari-belle! We love you!!

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