Sunday, July 18, 2010

Fun on the Fourth

Okay, the Fourth of July was a couple of weeks ago, but I'm just now getting caught up and posting it. We drove out to my Grandma's home in Ashland and had a nice dinner and set off a few minor fireworks. So, while we didn't get as CRAZY as most people around here, it was plenty for my children who, up until this year, hated the loud noises so much that we've purposely been out of town around the Fourth for at least 3 of the last 4 years. (Which is fine by me; I'm now a mommy and say that fireworks are dangerous anyway. I love to watch the big shows that the professionals put on--they're really beautiful, from a safe distance!) But, Emily and Christian did enjoy the small ones that the big boys set off.
Emily also made a new best friend in Stan's grand-daughter, Anna, who was in town for the holiday weekend. The girls were so cute and Emily really wants Anna to come back for another visit soon! The kids also had fun catching butterflies too--such a summer pasttime!

In case you're wondering, Kari also enjoyed her holiday, but was fairly oblivious to all of the goings-on :-). But, she did have fun rolling around on the floor with Emily.

1 comment:

Albanie said...

So fun to go visit family on holidays. Glad Emily made a friend! And Kari is getting so big!Those kids need to slow down!