Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Christmas Morning

And, finally, we have Christmas morning!  And what a morning it was!  Emily was thrilled that Santa brought her the Lego Friends house that she wanted.  One of her other favorite gifts was a huge world map.  We have a budding geographer and couldn't be happier!

Christian's favorite gifts included a new Hot Wheels racing set and the most wicked looking Lego Hero Factory action figure we've ever seen.  (He even rides a motorcycle!)
 Kari and Cubby received matching super hero clothes; Cubby some much-needed new pj pants and Kari a super-girl shirt complete with pink tu-tu skirt.
Kari loved her new gymnastics mat and leotard (both in pink, of course) that Santa brought.
 Juliana enjoyed her gifts too.  Her little play gym that turns into a mini-slide.
 ...and Kari enjoyed "helping" her open her other little gifts.  Isn't she a thoughtful big sis?
 I think one of Cubby's favorite things about Christmas is the putting together of all of the toys!  Christian got a few Lego sets and Cubby's just a great big kid at heart and loved putting them together!
  After naps, we headed over to my mom's house for (what I think is a new tradition) of Christmas Day pizza for dinner.  Easy and yummy.  We got to open up more come the pictures....

Emily can play Christmas carols now--such a treat!
 Kyle, opening up the Lego VW bus that Erin, Cubby, and I got him (notice a Lego theme this year??)
 Auntie Erin, keeping Juliana entertained and happy!
 Christian, showing off his "snake shirt."  (Can you see the fangs??)
 A kiss for Gpa Harvey from Miss Kari...
 ...and a hug from Christian!

Kari, sporting her new princess Aurora dress, hair clip, butterfly towel, and ice skates!

 And here's Juliana, enjoying her little gift!
 "So big!"
 And here's Great-Gma, opening the gift from us grandkids (Erin, Kyle and I)
 This is what we got her--cool, huh?
 And, finally, a good time was had by all...can't beat a good horsey-back ride!

 It was a very merry (and slightly) crazy Christmas!


Lori said...

Looks like a great morning!! We do pizza on Christmas day too. It is just easier that way ;)

Jessie Oliveros said...

My son will want to know where you got that snake shirt. I agree...our kids could be besties.

Josh and Jen said...

oh my goodness, i love the gymnast and her mat and attire- adorable! and we sure love legos and maps in this house too. good Christmas celebrating....