Tuesday, March 12, 2013


A couple of weeks ago, my mom and I took the kids to the Lauritzen Gardens where there is a big Lego display going on!  My children had never seen anything like it and were very amazed that such huge creations could be made from so many (thousands and thousands!) of little legos!

I took a lot more pictures with my mom's camera and only got a few with mine, so there aren't very many of the larger creations posted.  But, you get the general idea!


 Juliana enjoyed people-watching (and eating her applesauce).  Other people, of course, enjoyed watching her and were so sweet to tell me what a beautiful baby (and other children) I had :-).

 Emily and Christian, ever-obsessed with large numbers, even went around with a piece of paper and wrote down how many bricks each creation had.  I think they added them all up, but the grand total escapes my mind right now!  The rose, above, had over 42,000 pieces!


Lori said...

WOW!! What a fun place for kids to explore!!

Jessie and Austin said...

How long is that exhibit running? I'd love to see it!

Josh and Jen said...

Wow, how fun. I am jealous, I would love to take the boys to something like that.