Friday, March 29, 2013

Sharing the Love??

 Juliana is very specific about who she wants to hug these days!  (And, to be fair, the person of choice varies from day to day...except for Mommy, who she always wants to hug {happy sigh!}).  The other day, the Chosen One was Emily!  It was ooooh soooo sweet.  Juliana is very lovey and Emily just soaked it up!
And, of course, Christian wanted in on the action.  But, Juliana still wasn't done with her hugs from Emily and did not want to share the love!  Ha!  Thankfully, Christian knows that there are times that Juliana only has eyes for him and he just thought it was funny.


Lori said...

FUnny baby!! Already knows her mind. I love it!

Jessie and Austin said...

That is seriously hilarious haha!