Friday, March 15, 2013

Snow Days

This year we've had FOUR snow days.  And, of the four, there may have been ONE that was warranted.  The others have been more due to scared administrators who don't want to get sued by ridiculous parents than actual inclement weather conditions.  Yes, that's my soapbox for the day.  But, we've made the best of our times!

Actually, the pictures below are from a Sunday snow-day.  It started snowing and blowing pretty crazy-like while right when church started.  As a result, we just had sacrament meeting and then went home!  (It was kind of awesome, actually.)  But, this was also Daylight Savings day--Spring Forward!  There was extra daylight and, hence, the kiddos needed to burn some energy.  And, what better way to burn energy than to shovel (and play in) the snow?!
Emily "helped" a bit...
But, Daddy handled most of the shoveling.
Christian and Emily gave up the work and opted for play.
Juliana wanted to go out too.
Sadly, she had to settle for longingly gazing out of the window.
She did have fun waving though :-)
Kari, on the other hand, was content to hang out and watch Minnie Mouse in her bathing suit, skirt, homemade necklace and pink Hello Kitty socks.
And, even though the snow and wind stopped and the streets were clear, they still cancelled school the next day...just to be safe.  Ugh.


Lori said...

Crazy snow days this year. I did like staying home from church though ;)

Josh and Jen said...

I love how she is such a girly-girl!! We have had very little snow here, but it has been so cold, we might as well of had something for the boys to play in. I hope it warms up for you soon, and you can be outdoors in that awesome backyard of yours.