Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spring Break

It's been Spring Break!  ("I love the Holidays!"--watch Arrested Development to understand that little gem.)  At first, the thought of having all the kids home for over a week was a tad terrifying...but, I'm happy to report that (so far, we've still got one more day to go), it's been a lot of fun!  Now, I don't have pictures of all of the fun things that we've done...I've had my hands a bit too full to be snapping lots of pictures!  But, here are a few to start with...and more posts about other activities to follow.
 The kids have been begging to sleep in the tee-pee that Gma Karen made for them.  Spring Break was a great opportunity to try it out!  Well, two of the three ended up sleeping in the tee-pee.  Kari was just too excited and was keeping the other two awake so we pulled her upstairs and told her she could just go down in the morning.  And, the night was a success!  Emily and Christian loved it and Kari was happy to play the next day.
I had promised the kids that we'd go swimming over the break.  Originally, we'd planned on taking the kids to a hotel one or two nights.  But, Christian got a cough and we've all learned a sleep-deprived lesson last time so the hotel was out.  Thankfully, we have some wonderful friends who did go to a hotel in town and then invited us to swim the next morning!  It was perfect.  The big kids all loved the water with their friends.  Juliana preferred putting her feet in the hot tub...not a fan (yet) of the pool.

Some of the other fun timers we had...(will try and do posts on some of promises though)
--Going to a HUGE indoor playground at Mahoney State Park
--Easter crafts at a friend's house
--Egg hunt and lunch up at church
--Soccer, gymnastics, dancing, and piano lessons
--Three GORGEOUS days of outside playtime with friends
--Our first bike ride with the whole family
--Halleck Park Egg hunt and date with my big(gest) kids
--Going down to Lincoln to play at their AWESOME Children's Museum!
--Dinner at Gma's (and Easter at Great-Gma's)

...And lots' more to come tomorrow!

Spring Break.  A lot of fun, but man, I'm exhausted!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Sounds like you have all enjoyed the break from school!! I loved having my kids home. I'm glad you have ALL had fun ;)