Thursday, February 11, 2016

And...We're Off! (Reunion Travel Day 1)

Since our children are not road warriors, we decided to break our 13 hour trip up into two driving days (and thank goodness we did!).  We packed plenty of activities for all and I didn't allow any electronics for the first three hours of the trip!  (That way, by the time they were getting bored, we could break out the DVDs and eat up more time!)  We also hoped that a few of them would fall asleep too...

Big smiles when we started out!
Britta was happy too...
Cubby was contemplative
And someone snapped this winner shot of me.
Pony Power!
So far, just Juliana fell asleep...
And then Em took a rest too.
Christian, who normally gets very carsick, took a gamble so he could play on his kindle.
And look who's wide awake!!
(I think she slept an hour the first day in the car and a half hour on the second day.  It was rough.)
We stopped to stretch at a rest stop or two along the way...

Skipping stones
Britta was super happy to be out and about!
(She still wasn't mobile so, thankfully, she didn't really know what she was missing by having to sit in a car seat all day.)
We did see some beautiful scenery along the way too!

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