Thursday, February 4, 2016

Summer Wears Her Out

I'll bet you thought this post was going to be about Britta, right?  And how all of the action of summertime just wears her out?  Nope,  it's all about Kari!  Is it any coincidence that her favorite Disney princess is Sleeping Beauty??  This girl has always been my snoozer.  She took two naps until she was TWO (and I finally forced her to switch over to one nap) and, when she did eventually give that one up, there were still many afternoons where she'd just crash out on the couch.  Summer is a time of big-time fun and it totally wears Kari out!

Sleeping Kari is just so sweet and peaceful so I loved snapping a picture each time she fell asleep (and this was just June!).

We love our Kari-belle!

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