Thursday, June 26, 2008


Well, this week has been a pretty good one--we've been kept fairly busy, but not overly so. Emily got her hair trimmed, (complete with new bangs!), we went and had lunch with Daddy at his work, my brother, Kyle, and my mom have come over and played quite a bit (thank you!!!), and we've had some fun playdates as well.
One story from the week: On Wednesday morning, Emily's did AMAZING playing independently. I was trying to prepare dinner for the evening, baking bread, and doing some light cleaning while Christian napped. Normally, I don't get more than 5 solid minutes to any one task (let alone three) as Emily prefers that I play with her instead of by herself. However, she got busy with her princesses and new library books (not reading them, but making a house for the princesses out of them) and played for almost a 1/2 hour. I finished everything I needed to do in that time and then we were able to play with playdoh together before Christian woke up. It felt so good to see her using her imagination so independently (and for me to be able complete a task all at once!)

I also just wanted to post these pictures of the kids snuggling and giggling together. They're really such cute friends...I hope it lasts!


Camie said...

I am glad to hear emily is starting to entertain herself. I hope it last for you so you have a few minutes of sanity! You are such a good mommy to get down and play with her so much. Have fun in NY

Amber M. said...

Hooray for Emily...what a huge accomplishment for her!

The pictures are so cute.

Ladybug143 said...

I love independent play! When you get it, you have to use it wisely! :) Those are very cute pictures!

Rachel said...

I love the pictures. It's so cute to see them getting along so well. Independent time is wonderful. I hope she continues to do it for you.

Walker said...

Those are adorable pictures of them together.

The Brough Family said...

Yea for both of you. I am so impressed you can get so much done in 30 minutes. Hope you have a great trip!