He and his wife have lived at their home for 25 years and there is just something magical about it all. Their home is situated in a neighborhood of sorts but because it was built before the neighborhood, it has an orchard, barn, silo and such on the property. They have chickens too, but it's not a "farm" with cows or anything though.
In anycase, every year they invite our ward out to come and pick apples and make cider. As I've said before, it's magical. Emily was simply fascinated by everything there and after she picked apples, she and her friend, Holly, ran around and played little made up games all evening, as we were making the cider. At one point, they even laid down on the ground and were looking up at the stars. There IS something magical about the place--it turns soon-to-be 4 yr olds into self-entertaining sweethearts! AWESOME. We loved the evening and hope to make it back out there again when Cubby's parents are visiting...providing there are apples left to pick :-).
I love Brother Flynn already, he is cute and happy!
I hope to live such a happy life, too.
I agree there is something special about that place and that couple! I love them, and miss them! I will have to see if we can come down and make some cider! :)
Looks like you had a great time. I'm bummed we missed it. Maybe I can talk him into letting us come out still:)
I have to agree with you! The Flynns are awesome people, and I love being around them. They are very sweet people and we love the apples too! Have a great time in the next two weeks. Mom will call if she needs help, thanks alot!
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