My mom and grandma had planned on going on a trip to Sweden this past week. However, a situation arose at the last minute and they had to reschedule for June. Needless to say, Mom was sooooo disappointed. But, after a weekend of mourning, she decided to make the best of it and spend a week doing fun things around here! (My mom and grandma have now put the "best" in making the best of a bad situation!)
On Tuesday afternoon, Mom came over to play and transplanted some lilly-of-the-valley from her garden to mine. The kids had a lot of fun digging in the incredibly tough Nebraska "soil" (more like rock). They each liked the great-big shovel, of course.
Today, my mom came over while Emily was at school and played with Christian so that I could have some free time! I ran my little heart out at the YMCA, I got some stuff for a Christmas project for the kids at Hobby Lobby, and, what day alone would be complete without a trip to Target? Christian and Grandma had a very busy morning as well--playing trains and playing with the vaccuum and trying out Emily's rollerskates outside!
So, I know Mom was very sad about having to reschedule her trip, but, I'm glad she's been able to have a good time working on projects, shopping, and playing with us! There's no place like home!
I'm so jealous that your mom is so near. My mom is 4 hours away so visits aren't too difficult. But I would love the opportunity for her to be here so I could run my heart out too. Lucky you! What a wonderful mom you have!
I love grandparents! I do miss living around them these days. Hope you guys are doing well.
I'm so sorry that your mom had to postpone her trip. I know how excited she was, but that's nice that she got to spend so much time with you. Grandma's are awesome.
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