Thursday, October 2, 2008

There's No Place Like Home. Right, Mom???

My mom and grandma had planned on going on a trip to Sweden this past week. However, a situation arose at the last minute and they had to reschedule for June. Needless to say, Mom was sooooo disappointed. But, after a weekend of mourning, she decided to make the best of it and spend a week doing fun things around here! (My mom and grandma have now put the "best" in making the best of a bad situation!)

On Tuesday afternoon, Mom came over to play and transplanted some lilly-of-the-valley from her garden to mine. The kids had a lot of fun digging in the incredibly tough Nebraska "soil" (more like rock). They each liked the great-big shovel, of course.

Then, on Wedesday, we all went to the Children's Museum! We have not been there since Christian was about 7 months old and Emily asks to go about once-a-week. (They charge for adults and also, anyone over 24 months is considered an "adult". It's extortion, but I figured for once or twice a year, just to deal with it. We can't get there often enough to justify buying a pass.) It wasn't crowded and so we pretty much had the run of the place. We had some lunch and then the kiddos crashed all afternoon! So great!

Today, my mom came over while Emily was at school and played with Christian so that I could have some free time! I ran my little heart out at the YMCA, I got some stuff for a Christmas project for the kids at Hobby Lobby, and, what day alone would be complete without a trip to Target? Christian and Grandma had a very busy morning as well--playing trains and playing with the vaccuum and trying out Emily's rollerskates outside!

So, I know Mom was very sad about having to reschedule her trip, but, I'm glad she's been able to have a good time working on projects, shopping, and playing with us! There's no place like home!


Diana said...

I'm so jealous that your mom is so near. My mom is 4 hours away so visits aren't too difficult. But I would love the opportunity for her to be here so I could run my heart out too. Lucky you! What a wonderful mom you have!

Cammy Aller said...

I love grandparents! I do miss living around them these days. Hope you guys are doing well.

Rachel said...

I'm so sorry that your mom had to postpone her trip. I know how excited she was, but that's nice that she got to spend so much time with you. Grandma's are awesome.