Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our Outdoor Weekend

Ah, Spring. The kids were pretty much outdoors from 10 am until 6:30 pm on Saturday. (With the exception of Christian's nap and Emily's and I's trip to Home Depot and Target.) So much fun. Cubby put up the trampoline and thankfully, "no one" fell through it like last year!

Christian being a big helper!

Whatta' jump, Emily!

Enjoying the trampoline!

Cubby playing in the sandbox (with new sand!) with Christian
(a big step for Cubby who is very prejudiced against sandboxes).

Today, after church and naps, the kids were back out there again and after dinner we all went for a long family walk. Ah, Spring.


Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

How fun, and I do think that Emily ans Reagan look a lot alike it must be the Lindseth rubbing off on them with those silly faces they make

Jenn said...

You got such fun outdoor things. I sure hope this weather holds!