Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Sneaky Boy

Friday afternoon was a tough one...among other things, Emily kept having melt downs over the littlest things (she'd obviously forgotten her recent revelation of how she still needs the occasional nap!). I was in the last stages of trying to put dinner together and then Christian pipes in (amidst Emily's tears) that he wants a snack. Well, dinner was about two minutes from being done and so I said "no" on the juice. Commence whining.
Thankfully, he only whined for a minute before getting smart: he spotted the roll that I'd placed on his plate. It was just within his reach and before I knew it, he'd grabbed said roll and made a bee-line out of the kitchen with it. I found him on the couch, eating his new acquisition, with a huge grin on his face. Needless to say, it totally made me laugh. (So naturally, I grabbed the camera!) Thanks, Christian, for making Mommy's afternoon a "success"!

1 comment:

Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

sometimes all we need is a good laugh to save the day, Christian is so cute