Monday, August 24, 2009

Deep Thoughts, by Emily

Deep Thought #1:

Emily: Mommy, I think I know what I want to be when I grow up.

Me: Oh, what's that?

Emily: A newspaper thrower.

Me: Well, we'll make sure you can be a paper girl when you turn ten, okay?

This makes me think of when Cubby was little. He told his parents that he wanted to be a milkman so he could deliver milk to his little girlfriend :-).

Deep Thought #2:

Emily: Mommy, I'm tired of Earth. I want to move to a new planet; probably a blue one.

Apparently, she's seen enough of our blue planet and has decided to venture out.


Cara said...

She's tired of Earth?? Now that's classic! What a funny girl!

mizkylie said...

I had a paper route throughout my childhood, its a great idea, it teaches the value of a dollar for sure!

Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

That is too funny, ya gotta love that Emily

Rebecca said...

Emily, Space Girl! A new Super Hero saving the Universe! Wow!

Amber M. said...

So funny!!