Sunday, August 30, 2009

Are You Ready For Some Football???

On Friday we took the kiddos to the Papillion vs Papillion-South game. Regular, old-school Papillion is where I went to school, but we also have friends who have kids involved at South. So, it was just fun to get out and cheer for everyone. (The Monarchs, however, did end up winning though--hurray!) The weather was also FANTASTIC--a perfect weekend really!

Emily and Christian both had a good time, although they had a tough time sitting still. Christian LOVED the big blue Titan mascot and was CONSTANTLY climbling all over and looking for him. Emily wanted to go and run around on the grassy hill with a hundred other crazy children. (Which wasn't going to happen.) One minute she would say, "Mommy, this game is so boring." Then, when the cheerleaders would cheer or the band play a song (or we'd go up and get a gatorade), she'd give me a hug and tell me, "this is the BEST game EVER!" We left at halftime (bedtime and all) and the kids were all tired smiles so I'm pretty sure the night was a success.


mizkylie said...

OH MY GOSH!! This is the same title as a post I wrote a week ago! GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE!! :)

Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

Sounds like you all had some fun

Candis said...

fun! we love football games and sports and whatever! so fun! it looks like the weather was fantastic!