Thursday, August 27, 2009

We Have Cucumbers!

So. My first attempt at gardening had mixed results this year. The squash, that I thought would do so well, got too much water and rotted out. The carrots, though they did well, were stumpy b/c we didn't dig down deep enough and the couldn't push through the clay to get longer. The peas grew okay, but there weren't that many. The cucumbers, however, really came through! I had to replant the seeds in June (they didn't take in May) and since then, they really have grown! I could hardly believe my eyes when I finally got out there today (after rain and humidity all week) and there were sooo many! I picked a dozen large ones today and that was just the first batch! Anyone know any good cucumber recipes??

Christian looked so cute in both of these pictures...I had to post them both :-).


Amber M. said...

My cousin (Scribbit on my sidebar) had a cheater pickle recipe the other day...

mizkylie said...

YUM! Cucumbers with vinegar and pepper!!

Rebecca said...

Here are a few~sliced with ranch dressing, sliced tomatoes adnd sliced cukes mixed in Italian dressing, shredded cukes in lime jello(use less water to set).

Jenn said...

Thanks so much for sharing a cucumber. It was delicious!

Candis said...

oh yummy! i love cucumbers!

Matt and Stacy Compton said...

anything thai is really good with cukes. check out thai recipes on line. I add it to BLT's and sometimes just have a cuke and tomatoe sandwich, with maybe some cheddar cheese. so good. Love cucumbers. Love the vinegar and onion cucumber combo. very bad breath but good.

Anonymous said...

mmmm...cream cheese and cucumber and dill sandwiches...I am so jealous! I have not had one home grown thing this year which marks a sad, sad year in my book! You guys all look great! Love the flower crowns. Princesses.