Naturally, Emily and Christian are thrilled that they're going to get a baby sister. Emily's eyes were just shining.
I would love to post the ultrasound pictures, however, our scanner (and recently now our printer as well) have decided not to be hooked up to the network and aren't working. Ugh! So, you'll all have to settle for pictures of Emily and Christian holding the ultrasound pictures and of a belly shot of me. (Per Mom and Dad Lindseth's request.) Cubby is going to keep working on the scanner/printer and so hopefully we'll be able to post the other pictures soon!
(Here is also a preview on how the dresser turned out! I'll be posting "new rooms" pictures soon...we're justing putting on some finishing touches!)
In any case, we're very excited to welcome this new little girl into our home and we'll keep everyone posted once we're super sure on her name (right now we're only mostly sure :-) ).
congrats lady! so exciting. a princess will fit right in at your house:) love the did a great job and you look wonderful by the way. by the time i know what i'm having i'm huge!
Congratulations, you adorable pregnant woman! How exciting!
That's so exciting! You look so cute pregnant. The dresser looks great. I'm excited to see what you name your baby girl.
Yay! Congrats! Girls are so fun!!
Woo hoo! I'm so excited for you Kathleen. I wish we were as close as you were about a name!
So excited for you guys...but especially for Miss Emily...
How cute is your preggo belly?! Congrats on the new baby girl news!! How exciting!! So, are you due around December/January??
Yay! Another girl! We are so happy for you guys! If she's half as cute as Emily, you guys better watch out when they are teenagers :) Jeff & Jaimi
that is great, we need more girl cousins to play with!
Congrats on another little beautiful girl! That is exciting stuff! Also, loving the dresser, very cute.
Congrats, girls are so fun!
It's so fun to have the ultrasound too.
Great job on the dresser, that turned out just like something you'd see in Pottery Barn, you have crafty skills, unlike me.
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