Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A New Day...

So, as you can all tell from my post yesterday, it was a tough day. Today, however, was much better. I decided to really make a conscious effort to be calmer and relax a bit. I tried to anticipate what Christian would need from me beforehand and it seemed to help with the whining. I also made more eye contact with Emily while asking her to do things and that helped too. (I must add though too that playing with friends and taking decent naps helped in spades.)

I guess this just goes to show me that, as Elder Ballard stated, "the joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction." (Click here for the full talk--it's wonderful!) The fierce hug that Emily gave me before she napped today was a shining moment for me. The sweet smell of Christian's little head as he sat in my lap was another.

I just need to vent the frustrations once and awhile to clear my head. Each new day brings the opportunities for learning experiences that I go through each day as my children grow.


Diana said...

I'm so happy it was a better day for you. I had a hard day a couple days ago, and like you, I have been working on being more patient. The days after were better due to my concentrated effort. I suppose just making up our minds to be happy makes the difference. Congratulations to you!!!

Amber M. said...

So glad that you had more successes today...Elder Ballard is so right. And I'm glad you had some "moments" today.

whitney allison said...

Hard days are the worst because they feel so much longer and more torturous than just a day. Glad you're feeling better.