Monday, August 11, 2008

Patience? Has anyone seen my patience??

Okay, I need to know how all of you moms out there keep your cool when your kids start pushing your buttons. Because my system is about to go into overload b/c mine are being pushed constantly lately!!!
Emily is being onery, obstinate, and very sassy. Plus, she seems to enjoy pinning her brother on the ground and/or pulling at him while he hits new sound decibles in protest. How do I effectively communicate with Emily without being short with her or losing my temper and raising my voice??? Speaking softly and kindly gets little or no response. Time outs/time in the corner work for a time, but 20 mins later, she talk backs to me or pushes her brother, etc... all over again. I've even asked her (as I know my mom asked me), "do I have to raise my voice for you to listen to me???"
Christian, my previously "easy" and "laid back" child, gets so incredibly whiny and clingy that it's getting very difficult to keep him happy unless i'm: a. playing with him on the floor or b. we're outside. He just can't seem to stay satisfied with independent play of any kind unless I'm right there with him. He longs to communicate his needs and in the absense of speech, he whines, screams, and cries. It's a very difficult stage that he's going through and I need to know how much longer it will last??? Emily was not whiny like this!!! Is there a way I can let him know I understand his wants, but he just can't get everything he wants on demand?
What kinds of ideas and tips do you moms have to keep from losing your minds (and tempers) with your little darlings? I pray for patience, but I think all I'm getting are more opportunities for my patience to be tested...and unfortunately, I'm not doing well with that teaching method. I've been way too short and impatient with the kids and I don't like it. Help me find my patience...and sanity!


Ladybug143 said...

I lost mine too. Victoria is in the same stage. It should be called the terrible threes, not twos. I am reading a series by Linda Erye about parenting and it has a lot of great ideas that I am trying to put into place. I have the books listed in my reading on Goodreads if you are interested. I have a hard time keeping my cool because that is what I was raised with. I have learned that it won't change even though I don't want to be like my mom, unless I find some other tools to work with. It is hard, know that you are not alone. Not that I want anyone else to have a hard time, but it is nice to know that I am not the only one that is have troubles with the kids! Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathleen! I have a good friend whose kids are grown and I was telling her that I hate being a screamer when I lose my patience with the kids and she said to me the best thing..."It's so much easier to not scream when they're grown up!" Made me laugh. She is the most quiet, refined woman (think Sister Medaris) and I just had a hard time believing that she used to scream at all which she confessed she did. So...there is hope for all of us. It will be much easier once they're grown which, unfortunately, really is right around the corner it seems. I just try to do the best every day which - some day - is not so good! Fortunately, the Lord keeps giving me chances to get it right and I keep needing them!!!