Thursday, April 24, 2008

Nerd Alert!

Last night was "Bookclub" night. It was great to get together and talk about what we've been reading and gab with the girls a bit too! The book we read this past month was Eragon; a book I really did enjoy, despite my frustrations with how slow it moved a points. Now, for those of you who have not read Eragon, this post won't make much sense. However, for anyone who has, I had an "ah-ha" moment last night after I got home.

We had been discussing that Eragon is a bit like The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter combined. (Fantasy, magic, etc...) However, I realized that Eragon is even MORE like another popular trilogy--STAR WARS! Yes, an evil Empire, a new hope (Eragon) who has a dead mother and lived with his uncle (who gets killed) and goes on a quest for who he is and where he comes from with an old friend who is more than he appears to be and gives him valuable training (Brom being the Obi-wan character)....who both get killed by the way too. He has an unknown father and a secret sibling out there too...just like Luke Skywalker. So, I've been reading Star Wars with a dragon. The second book, Eldest, seems to be an Empire Strikes Back-kind-of book too so far.

Anyhow, I know I'm a HUGE nerd for blogging about this (and for even knowing enough about each of these stories to make this comparison in the first place), but I just couldn't let it go with out being said.


Amber M. said...

Oh. My. Goodness. You're right!

Camie said...

What a brillant discovery. If you're a nerd so am I.

Walker said...

Wow, I had no clue, thanks for sharing! You are so right! Maybe Robert will want to read it now, if I tell him that.

Ladybug143 said...

I didn't make that parallel! I compared it to LOR and HP, but not Star Wars, it is so true. I am almost done with the Eldest! I love the series. I was dissapointed at how much they changed for the movie Eragon though. I hope that when they make the movie the Eldest they will keep closer to the book. I guess I am a nerd to, I love these types of books and it is nice to discuss them with people that care, Roland doesn't, he just wants to see the movie. :)