Friday, April 11, 2008

Wanted: Extra Dough

So, I really, really, really, really need some highlights. 'Trouble is, it's so darn expensive to color my hair every three months! (And to wait and do it every 6 months is just not me.) I have figured out how much I need to save each week to be able to afford to do this, and it's not a large amount. However, how to go about earning this extra cash, is what I'm blogging about. I'm considering the following options: (keeping in mind that I can't go out and get a job at Target or Pottery Barn b/c I'm still nursing and can't stay away too long.)

1. Sell vital organs (I don't need that much money, so this option is a "no")
2. Get a paper route (A couple of afternoons a week and a small route-this could work, but I need to call the newspaper about this.)
3. Babysit someone's child for a couple of hours once a week--honestly, I don't need much money and this may be my best option. Does anyone want a break for 2-3 hours/week in the mornings???

If I knew how to "make" anything or be crafty, I would consider that as a option. But, I don't and I'm not. I also do not own musical instruments so giving lessons is out. It's very frustrating b/c I have a Bachelor's and could be making some serious money if I were to work outside of the home. Don't get me wrong, I DON'T want to work outside of the home b/c I LOVE being at home and watching my children grow. I just wish I could put my skills that I have with my degree to work for me from home so I wouldn't have to be considering a paper route just so that I could afford to highlight my hair!

If anyone has any suggestions on what has worked for them to earn a little extra cash, I'd love your input. I'm just having one bad hair day after another and it's making me grumpy :-).


Lacey said...

What is your degree in? There is always the option of subsitute teaching one day a week or even every other week. Heck, you could probably do it once a month and be good. I am not sure what they pay someone who is not a certified teacher but I understand that if you have your teaching degree you get $130 a day. I have been told that if you are not certified it is close to $100 a day. If it is a $100 a day, you could work one day and have your money for highlights. You could probably work one day every other month and get your highlights done with each paycheck. But you would want to check with the school districts as to exactly what they pay because I have never actually called the office to find out if what I have heard is true. Just an idea.

Ware Family said...

Subbing is a good idea.
What about tutoring? The mom of some kids I taught piano to tutored and it was a nice little cottage industry for her.
Also, I know a girl who does medical transcription from home, it's all online. Not exactly sure how you would go about being trained, but if you could just get one office, it would probably be enough money and not too many hours per day--maybe two or so.

The Brough Family said...

Sell stuff on Craig's list... it's my new favorite thing. We wanted to buy Enchanted this weekend, so I sold something (a baby item I'm no longer using) for $20 and off we went to buy the movie... you'd be amazed what people sell, check it out!

Ware Family said...

Or maybe we can start the "Highlights for Kathleen" fund. I'm in, who's with me?