Thursday, March 6, 2008

Birthday Wishes

So, my birthday is coming up in another week or so, and today my mom asked me what I wanted to do for it. She will usually cook whatever dinner we would like and then we typically open some presents and eat cake (I'm sure it's not too different from other peoples' birthdays). Today though, as we were talking, what I'd really like is to have an afternoon out shopping/browsing with my mom and sister. Of course, I'd love to do the dinner and cake stuff too, but as far as a "gift" goes, I'd love the gift of time! It just made me think and reflect on how our desires and definitions of a gift change as we get older.
Oh, and I told her that I'd also like a garlic press :-).


Albanie said...

for sure our girl ideas have changed! I remember back in the day I wanted slumber parties. Now all I want is to sleep all night long! :) Hope you have a good b-day!

Albanie said...

i meant gift ideas, sorry!

Amber M. said...

I want a new garlic press, too. Mine sucks BIG TIME.

Camie said...

Ah, the gift of time...