Saturday, March 8, 2008

Cry or No Cry

Well, my battle with Christian's new sleeping habbits (or lack thereof) continues. I think he is now afraid of his crib b/c I've been trying to "teach" him to fall asleep on his own by letting him cry it out. Today, I put him in his crib, turned on some classical music, gave him a kiss and left the room. I then proceded to shower and get ready. After 40 mins, Cubby and I couldn't let him cry anymore and he obviously wasn't falling asleep. I'm not sure if this will be the method for me b/c it's not helping him to enjoy being in his crib. The whole problem that I have is with "the transfer". I can get Christian to go to sleep, but getting him to stay asleep when I put him down is what is giving me a lot of grief.

I googled "baby" and "sleep" tonight to see what was out there and I found two methods: the "Sleep Sense" program and the "No Cry" program. I haven't read much on the second yet, but I was intrigued by what the first one was about. However, it is just another cry-it-out kind of a thing, although it is a kinder version of it. (ie parents establish a definite bedtime routine and then determine for themselves how long to let their baby cry before going in, comforting, and then leaving again.) Christian has his routine, and maybe a predetermined time of 5 mins would work for him...or maybe it would just make him even more fearful of his crib.

Back to today though....Since he missed his morning nap, he was, of course, exhausted by noon. He nursed, promptly fell asleep, but when I tried to put him down, even as tired as he was, he still cried about going into his crib. Just as an experiment, Cubby and I put him down in his car seat after calming him down. The result? He fell right to sleep for the next two hours. Tonight, I was able to put him down in his bed....we'll see how long he sleeps tonight. I'm just praying this will be one of the nights that he makes it all the way through. I don't like having to either sleep in my recliner or bring him into bed at 4 or 5 in the morning. I know I should've taught him to fall asleep on his own LOOOOONG ago like we did for Emily, but I was just so excited that I could nurse this time around, and I just couldn't believe how easily and happily he went to sleep, that I neglected teaching him early on. I guess it'll all work out in the end...he won't breastfeed forever and will have to learn eventually.

If anyone has any advice that will help him NOT to be afraid of his crib (we have started playing in it during the day and this has helped a bit), or if anyone has any additional ideas on teaching him to transfer or fall asleep better, please let me know. I know every child is different, as are parenting styles, and I'm open minded, so whatever will help, I'm sure!


Amber M. said...

I'm the mean mommy. I don't think he's AFRAID of his crib, he just doesn't like it because it isn't you. ALL my kids have had to cry it out, albeit a little earlier in life, but it only takes a night or two of long cries and then he'll get it. It makes all the difference in their attitude, too when they get good, uninterrupted sleep. It's really tough to hear them cry. I hate it. But he'll get it. Does he have a comfort object you can make sure he has in the crib?? Does he sleep in his crib for naps?? I'm so sorry...

Walker said...

I would have to agree with Amber here. I was thinking just yesterday how I got my kids to start sleeping through the night and it was the same, they would cry for 1-2 hours, for 2-3 days, but then it stopped. It does seem like it will never end, and you feel awful. Robert would tell me, don't get up! They don't remember it and neither will Christian. So sorry.

Albanie said...

Yep, I agree. He's totally testing you Kathleen! He knows you would never let him cry that long! They are such sneaky little poopies sometimes! Do it for 2-3 days and I bet he'll give up. With Kael, I had to do the go in every 15 minutes and pat him on the bum just to say "you're ok" and after 3 days that was it. I promise you won't regret it!
PS Have you tried the heating pad in the crib? Maybe he just likes your warmth. I had a lactation consultant tell me while I was nursing to put a heating pad in the crib and then take it out when you lay him down. Most of the time they think that they are still with you because it's warm. He might be too old for you to trick him, though. Sorry! Hope all that helps!

Kathleen said...

thanks, guys! now, when you guys started to let them cry, was it both for naps and to go to bed at night? naps i think i could handle, but at night, when emily's trying to go to sleep (or already asleep) i'm not sure if i could let him cry b/c it would wake her up (and that's worse than just nursing him to sleep).
it is good to hear that you went in, albanie, and comforted kael, and that it still worked. maybe i'll give that a whirl. otherwise, you may all see me making the 72nd-96th street loop once or twice a day. thanks for the advice and reassurance that i wouldn't be causing permanent damage!

Albanie said...

So emily goes to sleep before him? Maybe you could try him going down before her. And yes, both naps and night you let them cry. If you only do naps it won't work. You've got to go cold turkey on the whole thing all at once. Man, I'm sorry. I think you'll have to change a couple of things to get this to work.

Melissa said...

I don't know how desperate you are but I read a book called "baby wise" all my friends and I have kids that sleep through the night because of it. If you have the nerve to stick withit it has really helped us all out.

But also might help is a nightlight mobile. We have a fishie one taht has cute fish swim around and it shines star fish and fish on the ceiling and they circle around.

But the simplest way is probably just let him cry it out. Our daugher once in a while will tests us after sleeping throug the night great and then start to get up again. we just let her cry it out and in three days she is back to sleeping. YOU CAN DO IT MOMMY! Best of luck!

But I tell you "Baby Wise" is worth its weight in gold.